Thursday, November 27, 2008

Where I live...

Seattle. This is where I live. I have learned that there are days here and even months where it just seattles all day. My best description of seattling is walking through the mist at a theme park. I get to wear cow patty boots (for us country folks), or galoshes (for those from England), or gum boots (for you Canadians). I have learned to layer and thanks to my roommates I can make this more of a fashionable system rather than a camping system.
I am so happy to get to live with these girls. Let me introduce you to them. Lisa (on the right) loves fish, she will watch Gilmore Girls with me :), and is an incredible cook. Lauren (on the left) loves to go for walks, graduated with psychology so she loves to listen, and is an incredible photographer. I am so blessed to be sharing my life in Seattle with these girls! I mean I WIN! :)

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